
Fun Friday Snacks

Email me to sign up for a Fun Friday Snack date. The dates that do not have a student name are available. Please remember to send in enough snacks for 21 students.

20~ Gesler
27~ Ms. Finocchiaro
3~ Komarea
10~ Noelani
17~ Sophia
24~ Noelani
3~ Noah
10~ Leilani
16~ Ms.Finocchiaro :)
31~ Jaiden
7~ Komarea
21~ Gabriel
2~ Ms. Finocchiaro

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Character T-Shirt Day

The class was adorable in their T-shirts!! Everyone wanted to show me who they were wearing and we all laughed to see that the kids liked the same characters. :) Minnie & Mickey and Superheroes are VERY popular with this group!

Enjoy the slideshow!
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Friday, August 26, 2016

Plans for the Week of August 29

This week our Resources are: Tuesday~MEDIA (Kindergarteners do not bring their Media Books home. They stay in the classroom and become one of our Reading Stations.), Wednesday~MUSIC and Friday~ART. Also, Friday is Sports Day. I can't wait to see what the students wear to support their favorite sport or team! :) This week Annalysia will bring in the Fun Friday Snack.
We are finishing up our last District Mathematical Practice Lesson! The students have been great listening to all them and we have even made a few entries in our Math Journals. :) Tuesday we will begin Module 1 by discussing two objects that are exactly the same or NOT exactly the same. Then we will work into classifying objects into groups by size, shape, color, etc. We will work to complete a Problem Set paper daily and on the back there will be a quick Home Learning (this is how our district refers to Homework.) I ask that you review the Problem Set with your child and then complete the Home Learning.
Even with all these lessons... we will practice counting to 100, recognizing numbers to 10 and writing numbers on our white boards. 
Here is the Youtube Video we listen to for number writing practice:

We are continuing our Nursery Rhymes Module. The students continue to do great listening to the Nursery Rhymes! They all really enjoy echoing the lines after me and they laugh at the silly pictures... Everyone loved Little Miss Muffet getting frightened and the Five Little Pigs Go to Market. :) Well this week we will have a few Nursery Rhymes and then a couple short stories. Click on the titles to enjoy the stories at home with your child: The Lion and the Mouse, The Dog and His Reflection & The Hare and the Tortoise
 We are also beginning our Saxon Phonics Lessons. We will focus on letter L for approximately four days by discussing the sound, letter formation, how it is a consonant and that it can be found as the initial sound and also as an ending sound in words. The we will begin the instruction for letter O by discussing how it is a vowel and that vowels have two sounds~ long and shortSimilar to Math, most days we will complete a Worksheet and the back of them will have a Home Learning. Please review the papers with your child.
As if this isn't enough... we also have four new sight words for this week: black, white, can and like. (A few parents have questioned why their children are not completing the Color Papers in class.  Please know your children are working non-stop all day! They are in Lessons, in Centers, on the Computers and right now testing with me 1-on-1. So they may not receive the full amount of time to work on the color paper because they are being pulled.)
Here is the slideshow for the sight words:  

We finally finished our Writing Ideas Poster!! I'll have to take a picture of it when I get to school and then I'll add it to this post. This week we are going to work on labeling pictures. I have chosen the different parts of a salad and animals as the two topics we will focus on in the lessons. Both pictures will have characters and a setting. At home have your child practice drawing and labeling things they like. Examples of this could be their family, their toys, even their favorite foods!:) The practice will strengthen their fine motor skills and help them notice more details in the items they draw.

This is the first week we actually have time for a Science Block. :) Normally I integrate it when I can, but this week we have time!! We will be focusing on the Sense of Touch and words we can use to describe the things we touch. We will be watching a few videos and going outside on a Nature Walk to touch a few items. 
This is one of my favorite Mr. R videos!! It is the slowest one, but the five senses videos are great. Hope you enjoy it!

Reading and Math Center Groups

This week we started Centers with our Center Board!

At first it was a little tricky, even for me! haha But after a few days... the students have really gotten the hang of the rules during Centers and most can even read the Center Board to figure out where they belong. Check out the pictures to see what group your child is in and catch them learning with their classmates. Also, ask your child what group they are in and who else is in their group. :)

The top row is our Math Centers and the bottom ones are Reading Stations and Centers.

The groups are as follows:
YELLOW OVALS: Sophia, Annalysia & Tidarius

RED RECTANGLES: Emma, James, Joey & Noelani

BLUE TRIANGLES: Jeremiah, Lily, Jada & Gesler

RED RHOMBUSES: Leilani, Noah, Gabriel & Komarea

GREEN TRAPEZOIDS:Jamari, Del'monie, Jaiden & Chloe

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Plans for the Week of August 22

We have another busy week! Our Resources begin this week and we will be taking a visit to the Computer Lab. :) Our schedule is as follows:
Monday~MUSIC, Tuesday~ART and Computer Lab, Thursday~ART and Friday~P.E. Please make sure your child wears sneakers so that they are able to participate safely in all the P.E. lessons. Also, Friday is Character T-shirt Day and Komarea will be bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the class.

We are continuing our District Mathematical Practice Lessons. We will review the rules learned last week about Centers. Then we will discuss Center Groups and students will have time to complete one center rotation. We will practice counting with counting songs and number identification with flash cards.
Here is another fun Counting Song and a slideshow for number identification.The slideshow is numbers 0-10.

We are continuing our Nursery Rhymes Module. The students are doing great listening to the Nursery Rhymes and then echoing me line by line. We are discussing vocabulary words from each one and discussing the Characters in each one. For example on Monday we will read Jack and JIll, along with Little Boy Blue. Our words are fetch and frightened. We will discuss the other Nursery Rhymes that have a character named Jack. Along with other questions like what is a crown in the rhyme Jack and Jill.
**On Thursday the students will be asked to recite a Nursery Rhyme by memory. ANY RHYME OF THEIR CHOOSING! Please practice so that everyone does well.**

Here is the list of all the rhymes we will have discussed in class by this time:  
Roses Are Red              Ring Around the Rosie
Rain, Rain Go Away       It's Raining, It's Pouring
Jack Be Nimble       Little Jack Horner
Jack and Jill       Little Boy Blue
This Little Pig Went to Market       One, Two Buckle My Shoe
Star Light, Star Bright       Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
We will also be reviewing last weeks sight words and adding them to our word wall. Then look at four new words this week: orange, brown, I and the.

We were so busy last week that we never got to work on our Ideas for Writing Poster. So this week we will be focusing on that! :) We will also discuss the writing routine~ all together at the carpet and then working alone at our seats. We will practice drawing on a quiet voice and a no talking voice Level 0.We will also have a Grammar lesson about capitalizing the first letters in names using the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.
It is a very sweet story. If you aren't familiar with it, make sure to check out the Youtube video below. 

School Spirit Day

The students who had shades of blue or yellow shirts were photographed during Recess Time yesterday. Next week our Fun Friday activity is Character T-shirt Day. Make sure your child wears a character shirt and they will be photographed next week for our blog post. :)

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Pictures of our First Week

I managed to take some pictures through our busy week. :) Some of the students would pause and smile at me, others wanted to continue working. Check out the slideshow and feel as if you were in class with us. :) 
(I use Smilebox to showcase multiple pictures of the students. If you've never used them before, check them out. Smilebox is fabulous!)

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Plans for the Week of August 15

 Monday and Tuesday will consist of learning the school rules through CHAMPS. It stands for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation so that all students can achieve Success. We will discuss the different voice levels, movements and what to do if they need help from a teacher or friend for different activities in the classroom and school. (If you would like to read a little more about it, click HERE.The link will take you to a short write up about it.) The activities include: being at tables, centers, the carpet, lining up/ moving around the room, walking in the hallways, the Cafeteria and the group bathrooms. We will read the books Listen Buddy, The Kissing Hand and Germs, Germs, Germs. If you aren't familiar with these books, make sure to check out the Youtube videos below:

We will also complete a Learning for Life Lesson about Self- Concept and why it's important to tell the truth using the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Then we will end both days discussing what we do during a Fire Drill. *Please remind your child that the sound is really loud, it scares the students the first few times and I want as few tears as possible. Also, discuss why it's important to stay quiet and listen to the teacher.

The remainder of the week:
Our District Mathematical Practice Lessons. We will discuss the daily Math routine and what good Mathematicians do when trying to solve a problem. Then we will sing a few counting songs, my favorite one is "I Am A Counting Superhero." If time permits, we will make a few journal entries using numbers and pictures to solve problems.
Duval Reads Lessons. We will discuss the daily Reading routine and the we begin with the  Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales Module. We will read two nursery rhymes a day and the students will be asked comprehension questions about them. Our first two are Roses Are Red and Ring Around the Rosie. We will practice identifying the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. We will work on sight words red, green, of and a

Again we will discuss the routine of the Writing time. Then we will write together as a class and make a Writing Ideas poster so that the students have a ton of things to write about. Every day the students will have time to write. *Please note at this time in Kindergarten most writing consists of pictures. I do not expect the students to be writing complete sentences right now.

First Day of School :)

it was the first day of kindergarten and boy what a busy day we had so 
Monday is going to be a BUSY day, 
so I wanted to give you all a heads up now

*Before you enter the room, I will make sure your child is going home the way that is listed on the First Day Dismissal Paper and then the remainder of the year Dismissal way. (Dismissal is very important!)
*When you enter the room, I ask that you separate any supplies you brought to school into the cubbies. At the end of this post you will find pictures of the cubbies so you know the method to my craziness. :) (I combine items in the cubbies= clorox wipes & baby wipes, markers & dry erase markers, etc.) After that have your child bring their backpack to any seat in the room. I have coloring sheets, pencils and crayons all laid out for them to use.
*When you leave the room, give your child a big hug and kiss and then visit the Multi-Purpose Room for our Annual Boo Hoo Breakfast. Please do not return to the classroom after visiting the breakfast, we have a busy schedule to stick to.

I will be bringing snacks for the students on Monday, after that snack will be your responsibility.  Most parents give one food item, with that being said~you know your child... if they need two items or a drink, please give that too. During snack time all students will have access to the water fountain in the classroom, along with any leftover breakfast items.
Now the important part, this may seem a little silly, but it saves me a ton of time!! DO NOT put your child's snack into their lunchbox with their lunch. However, if the only item inside of the lunchbox is their snack, I ask that you refer to it as a "Snack Box."

Thank you so much. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me an email.

August Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Here is our Breakfast Menu
~ Please remember the breakfast components we receive may not be the ones listed on the menu.

 Here is our Lunch Menu.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Writing Song

So I decided since school begins tomorrow (for teachers that is), I would take a look at the Curriculum Guides. After about 20 minutes I stopped. It was so draining!!! haha   However, one thing I noticed was that this song came up in the Writing again, and Again, and AGAIN! Seeing as we may be singing it, I wanted to share it with all of you. :)


I have stories, 
I have pictures 
and their sleeping in my head.

I wake them up, 
I write them down 
and then I share them with a friend.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Welcome Bulletin Board

I went in to school today and decorated the hallway bulletin board. :) I wanted to stay with the bee theme, so I chose the title~ 
The Best Place To "BEE!" 
I can't wait to write the students names on the bee bodies! :)

**My friend's daughter came in to help me staple and she was buzzing around like a bee when I took the picture. haha**