Monday is going to be a BUSY day,
so I wanted to give you all a heads up now
Before you enter the room, I will make sure your child is going home the way that is listed on the First Day Dismissal Paper and then the remainder of the year Dismissal way. (Dismissal is very important!)
When you enter the room, I ask that you separate any supplies you brought to school into the cubbies. At the end of this post you will find pictures of the cubbies so you know the method to my craziness. :) (I combine items in the cubbies= clorox wipes & baby wipes, markers & dry erase markers, etc.) After that have your child bring their backpack to any seat in the room. I have coloring sheets, pencils and crayons all laid out for them to use.
When you leave the room, give your child a big hug and kiss and then visit the Multi-Purpose Room for our Annual
Boo Hoo Breakfast. Please do not return to the classroom after visiting the breakfast, we have a busy schedule to stick to.
I will be bringing snacks for the students on Monday, after that snack will be your responsibility. Most parents give one food item, with that being said~you know your child... if they need two items or a drink, please give that too. During snack time all students will have access to the water fountain in the classroom, along with any leftover breakfast items.
Now the important part, this may seem a little silly, but it saves me a ton of time!! DO NOT put your child's snack into their lunchbox with their lunch. However, if the only item inside of the lunchbox is their snack, I ask that you refer to it as a "Snack Box."
Thank you so much. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me an email.