
Fun Friday Snacks

Email me to sign up for a Fun Friday Snack date. The dates that do not have a student name are available. Please remember to send in enough snacks for 21 students.

20~ Gesler
27~ Ms. Finocchiaro
3~ Komarea
10~ Noelani
17~ Sophia
24~ Noelani
3~ Noah
10~ Leilani
16~ Ms.Finocchiaro :)
31~ Jaiden
7~ Komarea
21~ Gabriel
2~ Ms. Finocchiaro

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sound Club

Every student in class is part of the Sound Club!!! WOOHOO!!
That means everyone knows sounds in isolation. Now we just need to practice blending the sounds in words, so that we become better readers. Along with the blends and word families. They all go together... :)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week of February 27

Image result for stuffed animal clipart
This week is going to  be even better than most thanks to Dr. Seuss!! We have Resources on Monday~ COMPUTER LAB, Tuesday~ P.E., Wednesday~ P.E. and Thursday~ MUSIC. Noah is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the Class. Also, we have a visitor coming in Thursday to see the class participate in the Learning for Life Lesson. The lesson is on Life Skills-using non-verbal communication to communicate with others.
We also have a few students joining the Six-Year-Old Club this week!! Kingston (March 1) and Joey (March 2). 

We will decompose 6, 7 and 8 to get us ready for subtraction. This is basically a review of number bonds, so I think the class will do great!! We are also having a Mid-Module Test. It is a 6 question story problem test, along with a 20 question equation assessment on addition. (The 20 equations have totals of 5 or less, with two of them being more than five.
Here is a fun Jack Hartmann Youtube video on Subtraction:

In Saxon we are continuing to focus on the y sound. We are reviewing rhyming words and omitting/ substituting sounds at the beginning of words. We are also word building with blends at the beginning and ends of words.
Our Sight Words this week are: very, give, new & take. **Make sure you are practicing sight words! The expectation this quarter is 60 words. **
Our blend this week is SP-. Practice having your child think of words that begin with SP-. If your child does this with ease, have them think of words that have -SP at the end of words.  Here is the slideshow that we will be watching in class:
Our Word Family this week is -ing. I believe the students will have an easy time coming up with words for this family and my goal is the ing ending will carry over to their writing. Here is the Youtube video for -ing.

I did a post last week of all the Dr.Seuss Books we will be reading this week. If you didn't see it, you'll want to go back and check it out! The skills we will be reviewing are: finding rhyming pairs, discussing character development (how the character changes from the beginning of the story to the end), meanings of unknown words, sequencing of events and retelling stories. 
Also, we will be watching the following Youtube video for our Learning for Life Lesson on Communication. 

We are writing lessons this week to Theodor Geisel on our opinions of his Dr.Seuss Books. This will help close up any trouble students had with Opinion Writing, but also allow them to practice friendly letter writing. 
Please remember to have your child do their writing homework. DO NOT do it for your child, nor tell them how to spell all the words "the adult way." In school the students are expected to participate in independent writing without adult help. 

Woohoo- it makes me smile to know that we are getting to more science as the year goes on. 
These lessons help produce great discussions in the class. Our lesson this week is on Sound and Vibrations.We will read a Capstone Book: Loud, Soft, High and Low. Also, we will watch a Youtube video on Sound. Check it out below:

Gloves and Mittens Day

There weren't many students participating in Gloves and Mittens Day. Then we went outside to Recess and it was so warm, many of the students didn't want to put them on for pictures. So I only have five that were willing to pose for the photos. Enjoy!!
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King and Queen Crowns

To celebrate the end of our Module, we painted crowns from Burger King (Thank You Ms.Sutherland for getting them for us and Thank You Mrs.Goode & Mrs.Edwards for helping the class paint.) Then as if they couldn't get any better... we decorated them with foam stickers and glitter. (Thank You Ms.Williams for coming in and doing the glitter. )
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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Writing a Friendly Letter

DISCLAIMER: Sorry this post is sooooo long, but I felt these were too cute to be put into a slideshow. :) Plus the pictures get bigger if you click on them!
Image result for clipart of letters

We wrote letters to the Cafeteria Manager, Mrs.Sally Fipps. :) I am going to deliver the letters to her tomorrow, so I wanted to share them on here with you. There's something about Kindergarten writing, it's the BEST! 
(If your child's work is not pictured, they were not ready to share the piece.)

Enjoy reading about the foods the kids eat!

Dr.Seuss Week is coming!!

(I wanted to send these fliers home today, but I messed up my Copy Folder.
So they are going home tomorrow- Friday. Be on the lookout for them! :)

We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss Week with some of the Kindergarten Classes! Here is the schedule of events... Ooh no one has signed up for Fun Friday Snacks yet. If you want to sign up let me know and maybe you'll want to send in a Dr.Seuss style treat! 

Here are the Books we will be reading, along with the fun activities for next week...

MONDAY- Wear red and/or blue
We will read One Fish, Two Fish  Red Fish  Blue Fish.

TUESDAY- Wear green.
We will read Green Eggs and Ham.

WEDNESDAY-  Get wacky with sill hair! Wear your clothes backwards, inside out or mismatched.
We will read Wacky Wednesday. 

THURSDAY- Theodor Thursday; Wear your favorite hat.
We will discuss the life of Theodor Geisel. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a video clip that we could watch in it's entirety, so I am not able to post one. 

Bring your favorite stuffed animal to school! We will read The Cat in the Hat. 

You also have a chance to participate in the Reading Challenge. :) 
If you fill in one row from the Challenge, your child earns a Treasure Box Toy. If you fill in every box from the Reading Challenge, your child gets to eat lunch outside with me!!
Although I am sending a copy of this home, I thought I'd add it on here in case you wanted to share it with anyone. :) 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week of February 21

Our Resources for the week are: Tuesday:GUIDANCE, Wednesday:MUSIC and Friday:ART. Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Thursday morning we have a visit from the Zoo. 
Noelani is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the class. :)

We have been working away at listening to Story Problems and adding up the groups to find the total. Please make sure to review your child's problem sets and remember to complete the Homework. Your child should figure out the parts of the equation by listening to the story. If you need to read the story problem again do it, I'd rather you do that and have them listen to find out the parts on their own.
On Thursday we begin subtraction! The students will hear me say "How many are left?" very often!! We begin subtraction with pictures and X-ing out the items taken away. Here is a fun youtube video get the students excited!

The letter we focus on this week is Y. We will only be discussing words that begin with y- yellow, yo-yo, yolk, yard, etc. We are also going to be drilling into changing/substituting beginning sounds. Make sure to practice with your child if it was highlighted on the Progress Report Paper.
Our Sight Words this week are: would, over, him & did. 
We are focusing on the _est word family and our blend is SL-. Below is information for both.

We are reading Sing a Song of Sixpence and rereading King Midas and the Golden Touch. Then we will be take the Module Test.
Here is a link to Sing a Song of Sixpence.
**The module Test is only 6 questions. So once the test is done, we will review it and then begin making our CROWNS!I can't wait to show the pictures of hoe cute the "princes and princesses look!**

Last week we wrote a letter to Mrs. Gordon (our P.E. Teacher). We were supposed to have P.E. but it got cancelled and the students were wondering about her. Here is a picture of the letter we wrote. (You'll notice I did the majority of the writing, but the students were involved by telling me the parts of the letter and what to write in the body.)
This week we will be writing a class letter and individual letters to the Cafeteria Manager, Mrs. Fipps. We will let her know what entree's we like, along with the fruits and vegetables. Then we will add in another sentence telling her an entree she could add. 

We will be discussing near and far. The goal is for the students to know what the words mean and begin to have an understanding that the items far away are not small, but it's the distance that plays a trick on the eye and makes the items appear to be. We will take a walk outside and go right up to the flag pole so that the students can see just how tall it really is.
Here is a silly Sesame Street video to enjoy.

Zoo Pictures

Here are some pictures the Chaperones took of the students at the ZOO. 

Hope you enjoy!!
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Mrs.Noah Thomas' Library Lesson

Last week Mrs.Thomas stopped by Wednesday afternoon. She read a few poems, had the kids dance with sticks and then read the book The Love Monster by Rachel Bright.Then just when you thought the fun was over, they made the cutest love monster's of their own. Adorable!! It was the perfect extension to Valentine's Day

In case your child wants to watch the story, here is a video of the book from Youtube.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Day

Yesterday was so much fun!! The students all entered the room with huge smiles. :) Everyone was excited to pass out their valentine treats. (They were more excited about passing them out than they were about receiving! haha) Our slideshow will show you the students walking around the room passing out their treats. Then you;ll see a few smiles from the tables at the end. 

Thank you for participating in the Valentine Exchange and for all the sweet treats I received!! Everyone definitely felt loved!
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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Week of February 13

This is going to be a fantastic week!! We have Valentine's Day on Tuesday and our Zoo Field Trip on Friday. Plus we have the Book Fair Monday, a lesson with Mrs.Noah Thomas on Wednesday and a bunch of Resources:  Tuesday~ Art, Wednesday~ Art, and Thursday~ P.E.
Friday's Spirit Day is a school shirt or a blue shirt. This will help the Chaperones and I at the Zoo on Friday. Make sure your child wears sneakers and if they would like to bring sunglasses they may, however they will be responsible for them. I will have a little snack for the students to eat before we leave the Zoo. Then Sophia will pass our her Fun Friday Snacks when we return to school. 

Please do not give your child spending money. We will not be buying extra food items, going on any of the added Zoo activities (ex. train, carousel, etc.) nor will there be time to visit the Gift Shop. Please explain to your child we will see as many of the animals as possible, but we may not get a chance to see all of them. And the last most important thing: DO NOT RUN! The students are going to get excited and I want them to be excited, however I do not want them to run away from me or any of the Chaperones.

I have really enjoyed watching the students knowledge grow with number bonds and seeing them write equations just blows my mind! We're transitioning into story problems and we will slowly begin to phase out the number bonds, now that they understand the parts to whole concept. 
We will focus on finding and using the amounts in a story problem to solve an equation. We will listen to the words to figure out that they are addition story problems wanting us to find a total amount. (I point this out because subtraction will be here soon!)
Ex. There are 5 dogs and 1 puppy. How many animals are there all together?
The students will continue to practice writing equations two different ways.
Ex. to the story problem above: 5+1=6 and 6=5+1.
Here is a fun Pirate Addition Video from Youtube to capture the students attention!

We are continuing to figure out words that have a vowel of e in the middle. We will be word building with our letter tiles and practicing changing the beginning sound to make a new word. 
Sight Words: where, when, there & out. Visit the sight word post from last week and review all of the words with your child. :)
Here is a sight word video that I posted a long time ago, but felt like it was a good one to view again and practice with. 

Our word family for this week is the -ell family and our blend is the sh- sound. Below are the items we will be using in class for practice on them.

This week we will be watching a King Midas book/video on Youtube titled: Max and Ruby's Midas. You can check it out below.
On Tuesday we will take a break from King and Queen books to focus on Valentine's Books. I have so many great ones in my personal library, so I haven't quite decided which ones I'm going to read. :)
Wednesday and Thursday we will read Cinderella. I have picked a version from ReadingAtoZ. I will be copying it and sending it home so that you can read it to  your child for additional practice. 
The standards we will be focusing on this week are retelling/ sequencing, figuring out the meaning of unknown words and ask/answer questions. 

We are finishing up Opinion Writing and will begin Letter Writing. The students will learn the layout for writing a letter. We will discuss different greeting and closings, along with different things you can write in the body of the letter.   Below is a fast, yet catchy song that repeats the layout for writing a letter.

We have a lot to do this week, but I am determined to find some time for Science so we can discuss Gravity again. :) I loved watching the class stare in amazement at the video's from the Space Station. They were amazed with the different things the astronauts had to do because they didn't have gravity there.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Child Safety Matters

Our lesson with Mrs. Sweeney was wonderful. The students were amazing discussing the Safety Rules with her and understanding what she said. (I was very impressed with the class!!)
They earned lots of goodies from her!! Pencils, tattoos, backpack tags or magnets and everyone received a bookmark and flyer at the end.

Here is the flyer that everyone received after the lesson.

Below you will see the pictures I took during the lesson. :) Enjoy!
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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of February 6

This week we have Resource on Monday: Computer Lab, Tuesday: Music and Thursday: Music. Tuesday we have Child Safety Matters Lesson with Mrs.Sweeney. Friday is the Jump Rope for Heart. Noelani will be bringing in Fun Friday Snacks and it is Sunglasses Day! 
 (I will not be here on Friday. If you come to Jump for Heart and take pictures, please email them to me and I will compile them for a slideshow. Thank you!!)

We are continuing Number Bonds and focusing more on writing the equations. The equations can be written with the sum at the beginning or at the end. We will also begin story problems. The students will listen to a story and write a number bond and equation that matches. 
An example; There are three birds sitting on a branch and 2 birds fly away. How many birds are there all together?

We will be focusing on blending/ reading words and discussing how e makes a long and short sound.  Our Sight Words are: many, use, each & which.
Our blend is gl. Here is the slideshow that we will watch in class
Our word family is the en family. Here is a Youtube video.
We are also drilling in on the other sight words learned this year and ending sounds. I am not testing the students on sight words right now, but they will be reading a Sight Word Reader Book. 

We did not get to The Royal Family last week, so we will be reading it this week. Then we will read the story King Midas and the Golden Touch. We will use the story to focus on comprehension, retelling and figuring out the meaning of unknown words. 
The vocabulary for the story is: fond, gazed, satisfied, spoiled and treasured.
(Click the title above to read the story.)

We will be writing our opinions about King Midas. Do we like him, not like him. Explain why, while still following our Writing Rubric. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Word Wall

It's been awhile since I posted a Word Wall slideshow, so I thought it was time. Practice with your child so that they are able to read 60 or more words.
**I will have a sight word lunch again this quarter. So anyone that reads 60 sight words or more enjoys lunch in the classroom for a day. **
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Boots Day

The weather warmed up, but the students were still super cute in their boots. :)  Enjoy the pictures!
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