
Fun Friday Snacks

Email me to sign up for a Fun Friday Snack date. The dates that do not have a student name are available. Please remember to send in enough snacks for 21 students.

20~ Gesler
27~ Ms. Finocchiaro
3~ Komarea
10~ Noelani
17~ Sophia
24~ Noelani
3~ Noah
10~ Leilani
16~ Ms.Finocchiaro :)
31~ Jaiden
7~ Komarea
21~ Gabriel
2~ Ms. Finocchiaro

Friday, March 31, 2017

Week of April 3

I'm publishing this early, because I don't want to bring the laptop home... I want a computer free weekend! haha

WOW! I can't believe it's April... My little Kindergarteners are growing up fast! 
This week we have a lot to do and we have an Early Release Day on Wednesday. :) Our Resources are: MONDAY~ P.E., TUESDAY~ MUSIC, WEDNESDAY~ MEDIA and THURSDAY~ MUSIC. Friday is Sunglasses Day and Komarea is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the class. 

**Last week Resources were canceled due to the Upper Grades Testing.  We have approximately 10 more days of Testing before the school year ends. So there is a huge chance of Resources getting cancelled again. I explained to the students this was not my choice and I even gave extra Recess Time, but I know they love Resources!**

We are continuing on with teen numbers! I am hoping the tiny confusions some of the students are having can be cleared up with the "Hide Zero Cards" and breaking the number apart with a Number Bond.  Also we are using the vocabulary of 10 ones and _____ ones / 10 ones and ____ more. (We do this so the students are repeatedly being reminded that 10 is actually a group of ones. This helps in First Grade with double digit addition and subtraction. 
Also, if your child is having trouble finding a group of ten to circle. PLEASE remind them of the little X strategy that my brother James taught me. :) This would clear up a lot of the silly mistakes going on because they are trying to visualize the group and circle it. 

Saxon is continuing to work on CVC words. This is great practice for the students and they are writing the words like PROS! We're even using our long vowel sounds and Magic E to write CVCe words. The children love it!! They get so excited and are so proud of themselves when they can do it.
Our Sight Words are: could, by, who & see.
Our blend for the week is DR-. This is a tricky one, but I've noticed when reading books the students are having trouble with comprehension because of the dr words~ drinks, drags, dragons, draws, etc.

Our Word Family is the -ine family and our medial vowel this week is i. 
Just when you thought we had enough Skills, we are also practicing rhyming! The assessment for this quarter is for students to come up with five rhyming pairs by themselves. I know with all of our Word Family practice they will do great! 

We are continuing on with our Eric Carle study. The students did great last week retelling The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear, Brown Bear. I'm hoping for even more success this week! Our stories we will be using to practice retelling are~ Pancakes Pancakes and The Very Busy Spider. :) You can check out both books below...
We are beginning our Animal Reports. We will begin with a class report on Cheetahs. We will read a book and watch Youtube clips to gather information about Cheetahs. Together we will write 3 sentence facts. Then we will move on to Elephants. The students will be expected to write at least two sentence facts. 
The students are all writing at different levels. Some may write~ Elephants are gray. While others may write~ Elephants have long tusk that lets them drink and blow water. All of this is okay. As their confidence grows they will expand their sentences. With that being said, regardless of their level~ All sentences need to begin with an uppercase letter, spaces between all the words, sight words written correctly, unknown words stretched and written with a beginning/middle/ending sounds and punctuation at the end. 

Due to my absence last week, we did not get to the phases of the Moon. So we will do that this week! :) 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Donuts with Dads!!

On Friday, April 7 we will be having a Donuts with Dads event in the Multi-Purpose Room. The event takes place from 8:00-9:00. 
I'll be volunteering the first half, so I hope to see you all there!

**If you're worried because Dad can't make it. Have a Grandpa, an Uncle, or a male family friend join your child. :) My friend's husband was deployed, so my brother escorted her daughter to the event and they had the best time together!! 

Play Day T-Shirts!!

Play Day T-shirts are going on sale! Every year our P.E. Teacher put on a school wide Play Day. (It's our fun version of the good ol' Field Days!) Two grade levels go outside at a time to participate in all the stations/ events. (In the past, we have gone out with First Grade.) Also, Brusters will be on site selling shaved ice. The cost is $3.00. (And it's best to send in the exact amount. The kids have trouble holding their shaved ice and leftover money.)

The Play Day T-shirts all have the same design. However every grade level picks out their t-shirt color. The prices and shirt style vary. Along with sizes. Make sure to read the form carefully because returns and exchanges will not be granted. 
Grade Level Colors:
K-Royal Blue
2- Orange
3- Royal Blue
4- Dark Green
5- Red

Here is a snapshot of the flier going home in your child's Report Card envelope. Below that you will notice the flier I was given showcasing the design on the t-shirt. :) 

Ordering Deadline is MONDAY, APRIL 17!! This is for orders submitted to the Teacher and online at HTTPS://CLES17.ITEMORDER.COM
*I almost forget... they always need Volunteers for Play Day to help run the stations. Play Day is celebrated on May 5th this year. :) 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of March 27


Welcome Back!!
This week our Resources are: Tuesday: P.E., Wednesday: MUSIC and Friday: ART. Friday Jaiden will be bringing in snacks for the class and it's Western Day. (The clip art I chose is cute, but I know the students will be even cuter!!) 
ooh I will be absent Thursday. I have a new Washer and Dryer being delivered and I have to make sure they are as perfect as the ones I saw in the store. haha I'm not sure who the sub will be, but I am sure the person will be great with the class. 

We are beginning Module 5 on Teen Numbers.  We have been practicing for this module and the students have done great remembering that we break the number apart by ten and ___ more. We will even revisit number bonds to remind the students that a teen number is made up of two parts. 

We are continuing to review letters with Saxon, but we are picking up our practice with long and short vowels! This week we will focus on letter E. We will also revisit the Magic E videos on youtube. :) 

Our Sight Words for the week are: these, what, our & about.

Our blend is br. So I expect to hear lots of screams during BReakfast about the br blend. haha The students do great noticing the sound and finding the blends in books. Please make sure if they go to write and say a blend we have learned- they need to write it correctly. Writing can be tricky, but they can do it!! They are smarties!!
Our word family is -eat. Check out the video to see the -eat words they mention. 

We are going to be reading Eric Carle books. I LOVE Eric Carle!! He writes such friendly, colorful FUN books. We still need practice retelling a story with key details and I thought his books would be perfect! The two I have chosen to begin with are The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Below you'll notice both videos. Check them out and you're sure to love Eric Carle too! 

We are continuing to discuss the day and night sky. We will discuss how we can sometimes see the moon in the sky even though it's daytime. And... if time is available, we will even get to the stages of the moon this week. :) Below is a fun Youtube video with lots of Vocabulary!! The class is going to love it.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Fun Friday Pictures

Here are pictures from two Fun Friday's. The first slideshow is from Socks Day. The kids LOVED wearing their socks in class. We just have to work on sliding around the room in them. haha The second slideshow is from Green Day. :) 
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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Week of March 13

 This week is going to go by SUPER FAST... it always does right before a vacation. :) Our Resources are Tuesday- ART, Wednesday- ART and Thursday-COMPUTER LAB.
Some other important things to remember: Thursday is Picture Day. Only the students who have paid for pictures will have pictures taken. If you need another form, let me know, I have extras. Friday is Teacher Planning Day- Students do not have school. Spring Break is the whole week of March 20-24. School does not resume until March 27. (This will be the beginning of the 4th Quarter!!)
Also, Sophia and Jamari will both be joining the 6 year-old-club. Plus Jamari is bringing in a special Birthday Treat for the class on Thursday. Make sure to wear GREEN and have a GREEN DAY!! :)

**No Homework Packet over Spring Break. If you want to keep your child busy, i-Ready will be available.**

We are reviewing the different combinations for numbers 6-10. Along with the different ways to write an equation... Remind your child that the + and - signs do not always go at the beginning of an equation. It could also be the equal sign. Then we will be completing the End of Module Assessment and ending with a Love Bug Craft for decomposing numbers. Everything is sure to be great!! The students have done a fantastic job writing equations and filling out number bonds.

We will be reviewing which letters are vowels. Then discussing how to code a word that has a long vowel and a silent e. We will begin with words that have a long A. We will code the a with a macron and slash out the silent e. (Your child may call in a silent e, magic e, or many other names. The videos on youtube name it different things.) Here is a fun Magic E video to watch.
We will be reviewing all Sight Words, Blends and Word Families taught in class thus far.

We are discussing the Seasons! Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. We will read a story about each one and then make a chart detailing the following information. The Months, Clothes, Activities and Weather. Students will work in their journals drawing a detailed tree and the clothes they would wear in each one. The chart is helping the students to focus on the main idea and details that support the main idea.
Here are some Season Videos we will watch before reading each story.

We will be writing about our plans for Spring Break. Things that we know we are doing and things that we hope to do! I am stressing the rules of writing this week: Begin with an uppercase letter!! Spaces in between the words!! Punctuation at the end of the sentences!! And last but not least... sounding out unknown words and using the Word Wall. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friendly Letter Writing

***Cuteness ALERT***
We have the sweetest class!!

At the end of the day we delivered the letters the students wrote to the teachers. The students were able to chose any teacher in school and they chose their favorites! The letters made the teachers day! It was totally ADORABLE!! 

Enjoy the cuteness!
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Slime Time

It's been such and busy week and these pictures are late... but in case  your child went home on Monday and said someone slimmed the Principal. haha I HAD to post these!! :)

On Monday, the whole school gathered in the Court Yard and watched as Ms.Pomeroy (P.E. Teacher), Mr.Hill (Asst. Principal) and Mrs. Walker (Principal) were slimmed by students and a few teachers. The people pouring the slime raised enough money in the Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser to qualify. ooh Mrs.Ahnemiller's class had the most donations and they WON a tablet for the classroom.  :)

Check out the pictures below to get a glimpse of what the students saw...
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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Dr. Seuss Week Pictures

Dr.Seuss week was awesome!! 
I loved watching the kids come to school super silly and excited every single day. :) Thank you for all the participation in helping to make sure it was great!! Here are the pictures I took. I compiled them all into one SUPER slideshow.
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Week of March 6

This week are Resources are: Monday~ ART, Tuesday~ MUSIC, Wednesday~ P.E. and Friday~ MUSIC. Wednesday is an Early Release Day and Friday is SOCKS DAY. (This was an idea that the students all agreed would be so much fun! SO I'm willing to try it out. However, I need your help! Please make sure your child is able to take their shoes off and put them on without any help. Also, inform your child that they will need to wear their shoes in the Cafeteria, Music, outside during Recess and in the bathroom.Thank you!!) Also, Leilani is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the class.

We are working on numbers 9 and 10 this week. We will be adding groups to make the amounts (composing) and taking the numbers apart with subtraction (decomposing). The students will continue to write equations and fill out the parts in the number bond. I've also planned a cute Penguin activity for subtraction on Thursday. :) The students will be coming up with their own story problems for number 10 and use the penguins to tell the story. 
Here is the paper we will be using. You can use it to practice with your child if you'd like!

In Saxon we will be discussing the letter d. I am so excited because a lot of the students are having difficulty differentiating between the b and d when sounding out words. We are also discussing short vowel sounds in the middle of words. 
Our Sight Words this week are: back, with, know & after. I am in the middle of Sight Word Testing, so continue to practice past sight words. 
Our Blend this week is ST-. Ask your child to think of words that have st at the beginning. If this is easy for your child, move on to words that end with -st. Here is the slideshow I will be using in class:
Our Word Family this week is -og. Check out the video with your child and then have them think of a list of words that go in the -og family.

We are beginning a new Module on Weather. We will begin with a book by Gail Gibbons= Weather Words and What they Mean. (I think that Gail Gibbons is great for Non-Fiction books! Check her out at the library. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.) We will use the book to review how to find the meaning of unknown words. Then we will read the big book What Will the Weather Be Today? and discuss the details that help support the main topic of weather. We will end with a book from the Online Book Site EPIC. The book will be Clouds. This book will explain the different types of clouds and allow the students to illustrate the types and give information to support why they are different.
Here is the Youtube video for Weather Words and What they Mean.

The students will be picking a teacher at school to write a letter to. The letter could tell them how much they like their class (ex. p.e., music.), give ideas of what else they could do in the class (ex. art- paint pictures of horses) or what they are doing at home that reminds them of the teacher. The possibilities are endless! 
On Friday, we will hand deliver the letters to the teachers. (Cross your fingers I get pictures!! It's sure to be adorable and make everyone's day!!!) 

Last week Dr.Seuss week took over a lot! haha So we never got to the book for Sound. Therefore we will be reading the book Loud, Soft, High and Low this week. Students will make a journal entry discussing which sounds they like and which ones they prefer not to hear.